Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Richard O'Flynn Sessions Part 8

Yesterday was our final day tracking and proved to be another fruitful one. Rich got down another three vocals tracks over the course of the day which, given the layers of harmonies and since we’re tending to double track many of the parts as we go, is no easy feat.

Fortunately as Rich is a strong singer we got these three done before Rich began to tire and look a little bleary eyed.

We’ll do the last few vocals in another session towards the end of the month as it’s better to get the takes dead on and with the O’Flynn performance they deserve. Also this gives us a chance to have the cello player down who had unfortunately damaged her arm before this week’s tracking. With recording done for the evening we had a chance to listen the tracks so far

The night then descended into drunken revelry as we brought in Snorre’s birthday with Modern Warfare 2 and Black Sheep Ale.

In the morning after a fry up and after Snorre was chased by a trio of neighbourhood dogs we took a last chance to explore Carmarthenshire.

Rich and snorre bottom left

It’s sometimes easy to forget how beautiful Wales is. Having had this session in such a pretty environment has really been good for recording giving us an easy way to take breaks and unwind.

Snorre has been particularly fond of the surroundings which are more akin to the open planes of Norway than Liverpool. Left unattended the mountain man clambered onto the first large stone to remind him of home...

...drank from mountain streams...

...and finally disappeared over the horizon.

Upon returning we loaded the last of the gear up into Rich’s car and said our goodbyes for now, It has been a great experience working with Rich and Snorre on this project and I’m really pleased with the results so far.

I just can’t wait till the next session when we get to finish vocals, track cello and mess around with reverb. It’s going to be great. I’ll keep you guys posted as to when the next time will be.

Tara for now


P.S. shouldn't be too long till us live

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